Nieuwevaart 124/001
B-9000 Ghent
The gallery presents an international group exhibition with new work by Fabiola Burgos Labra, Charles Degeyter, Ben Edmunds, Anneke Eussen, Indrikis Gelzis, Brian Harte, Matthijs Kimpe & Hans Vandekerckhove.
Alongside this, Ilke Cop will be presenting work in pastel on paper for the first time with her solo project ‘The Fool in the House’. The title of the new series is a reference to Coventry Patmore’s 1854 poem ‘The Angel in the House’, and the essay of the same name by Virginia Woolf, who anticipated the destructive critique of the idealization of the obedient and subordinate woman. In the works, Cop questions the role of the artist as both entertainer and critic. The fool is often a figure on the margins of society, thus enjoying a unique privilege of delivering criticism to those in power. Cop asks how the contemporary artist can take up this position in a polarized world in times of climate crisis and war.